Semiosis of Meta-Abstract Symbols / Phenomenology of Freedom
2007 - 2023

The subject of research for the Project is the semiosphere of closed systems within transnational corporations, where the iconic sign functions as a visual means of uncovering new meanings, or those existing outside the visual code. One of the methods for their discovery, or creation, was the formation of new iconic signs relevant to meanings that lie outside the iconic system, aimed at visualizing them and revealing new, previously unknown qualities and states. The most effective tool for such explorations is the language of meta-abstract symbols – signs bordering on a state of transition to a more evident semantic load.

The Script, 22.02.2019 – Art & Signs


Most of the works were created during many years of research into the operations of the transnational oil corporation BP, and as its essential and semantic equivalent, they were offered in exchange for the cessation of its operational activity – an artistic gesture, which concludes the axiological groundlessness of the explored space.

Oil & gas empires are not the best place on Earth for people to live happily.

The Script, 28.07.2007 – The Underground

The Global Crude Oil Market

2021, oil on canvas


2020, oil on canvas; tetraptych, part II

Post-Trend Void

2021, oil on canvas; tetraptych, part IV

Transgression of the Sign

2021, oil on canvas

Intra-Sign Infinity

2021, oil on canvas

Sociological Survey

2022, oil on canvas

Toolbox Talk

2022, oil on canvas; diptych, part I

Behind Safety

2022, oil on canvas; diptych, part II